
Once upon a time I ran a news site, now I just have opinions on the news. 

Good morning, RVA: 1,261 • 15; and then there were two (casinos); and 100 cool things to do today

Good morning, RVA! It's 36 °F, and that’s cold! Today, you can expect temperatures in the mid 50s, which will then drop back into the 30s this evening. After that, though, every day is warmer than the last right on through next week.

Water cooler

As of this morning, the Virginia Department of Health reports 1,261 new positive cases of the coronavirus in the Commonwealth and 15 new deaths as a result of the virus. VDH reports 92 new cases in and around Richmond (Chesterfield: 43, Henrico: 26, and Richmond: 23). Since this pandemic began, 1,264 people have died in the Richmond region. The seven-day average of new reported cases across the state sits at 1,342. Yesterday, Governor Northam updated Executive Order 72.pdf)—the one which sets all of the state’s coronavirus restrictions—to loosen up bits of those restrictions here and there. I get confused with what’s changed in these EO updates, but it looks like bar seating has returned to restaurants and larger groups can gather if it’s for “educational instruction” or school performances.

In resort casino news, the City’s Resort Casino Evaluation Panel announced that they’ve dropped the proposed 4th District location from consideration. From the City’s press release: “We appreciate Bally’s interest to develop a resort casino project in Richmond...The Evaluation Panel is no longer considering the Bally’s project or the Parkway Crossings site for a resort casino due to concerns about site access, environmental factors, and required approvals from non-city entities that may not be granted or extend the project timeline.” That leaves the 2nd District site by Movieland, which Councilmember Jordan has flat out opposed, and the 8th District site by the old Philip Morris campus, which Councilmember Trammell has not said a whole ton about. If I had to bet right now, I’d bet on the panel recommending the 2nd District site, but that’s a completely uninformed guess. I also don’t know how the panel, which does include some members of Council, would navigate a recommendation in the 2nd District that goes against the will of the sitting 2nd District councilperson.

Related, one small City Council update for today: The Education and Human Services committee will meet at 2:00 PM and the only item on their agenda is a discussion on the “Richmond Public School Board’s Resolution to Oversee the Construction of New Schools and discussion on the next steps for construction of the new George Wythe High School.” Councilmember Lynch, in whose district Wythe sits, is the chair of this committee. Possibly worth a listen!

Whoa, OK, today, you have a whole menu of options to choose from if you want to get involved in your city. First, at 12:00 PM, RVA Rapid Transit will host another Transit Talk, this one focuses on regional public transit and features GRTC’s new Chief Development Officer, Adrienne Torres. Second, at 5:00 PM, the City’s Office of Sustainability will circle up the Science Museum’s Jeremy Hoffman, Rob Jones from Groundwork RVA, and Giles Garrison from the City to talk through “community and environment.” These are real smart folks and will (probably!) have lots of great things to say about equity, environmental justice, and how our built enviornment impacts the people living in our neighborhoods. Third, at 6:30 PM, RVA Engage, Secretly Y’all, and the Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities will have a conversation about having difficulty conversations. The event description sounds lovely: “With Secretly Y’all, we’ll hear real-life stories from people who have had difficult conversations that helped bring forward understanding. Then, Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities will guide us in exploring key tools for embarking on brave conversations.” All of these events sound excellent and make me feel like the City has started to emerge from its winter slumber!

Art 180 is on the lookout for eight RPS sophomores or juniors to serve as this summer’s Edward Dean Robinson artists in residency. A bit more about the program: “The students will spend Thursdays and Saturdays from June 24 through August 12 at ART 180's Atlas gallery working with the artist Chris Visions to create artwork and develop their artistic practice. Students will develop a portfolio, learn about professional development, and explore healthy and sustainable ways to create art while prioritizing mental health and wellness.” Plus: “Students chosen to participate in the program will receive a $1350 stipend, studio access, a materials stipend, and a professional portfolio.” If you’re an RPS sophomore or junior—or love and care for one—you’ve got until Saturday May 1st to fill out and submit the application.

Important skeletal update: Richmond’s T. Rex replica is now terrifyingly complete!

Today at 2:00 PM the Richmond and Henrico Health Districts will host a free COVID-19 community testing event at the East Henrico Health Department (1400 N. Laburnum Avenue). Can’t make it today? You can find a big list of testing locations here.

This morning's longread

America Ruined My Name for Me

Can we make every middle schooler (or maybe just everyone?) in America read this thoughtful piece in The New Yorker?

I’ve tried to inhabit the name Bich. I used to add the accent over the “i” to show the correct spelling: Bích. The sound is somewhere between a question and an exclamation. But how can I get away from the gaze? It is one of my historical facts that the name is steeped in shame, because living in the United States as a refugee and a child of refugees was steeped in shame. America made sure I knew that, felt that, from my earliest moments of awareness. I cannot detach the name Bich from my childhood, cannot detach it from the experience of people laughing at me, calling me a bitch, letting me know that I’m the punch line of my own joke, too stupid or afraid to do anything but take it. When I see the letters that spell out Bich, I see a version of self I’ve had to create, to hide from trauma. Even now, typing the letters, I want to turn away. America has ruined the name Bich for me, and I have let it.

If you’d like your longread to show up here, go chip in a couple bucks on the ol’ Patreon.


Good morning, RVA: 1,336 • 13; an impending loosening; and Barbara Johns Day.

Good morning, RVA: 1,348 • 30; what does conviction mean; and the first budget amendment work session